Wednesday, August 14, 2013

16 Week 5x5 workout routine

5x5 workout routine can be aplied for benchpress Squat or Dead-lift.

Workout routine  in % btw 75% from one rep max lift.

Routine plan can be this:
StrongLifts 5×5 Workout AStrongLifts 5×5 Workout B
Squat 5×5Squat 5×5
Bench Press 5×5Overhead Press 5×5
Barbell Rows 5×5Deadlift 1×5

OR "Texas Method"
Back Squat 5×5
Bench Press 5×5
Dumbbell Row 3×12+
Other Assistance
Paused Back Squats 3×5
Paused Bench Press 3×5
Weighted Hyperextensions 3×10+
Pull Ups 3×10+
Other Assistance
Squat PR Double
Bench Press PR Double
Deadlift PR Double
Other Assistance

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